
Sebastian Cleves is a Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Chef and artist as a photographer his work focuses on subjective photography, interested in the human part of life.

" I am nobody and i don't belong to any nation, religion or particular party. I am just an individual how existence created me . My pictures are an act of my personality , I am the subject of my work which i materialized  in a photo, i don't think about what i do, I just fetishized the things I like, I want to see or I have curiosity about. 

I have kept myself absolutely uninfluenced by any  ideology, religious, political, social or financial .

And the miracle is because I am not burdened with all these glasses on my eyes and curtains before me I CAN SEE CLEARLY " .


-University of art & design BTK. Master of Arts.  (Berlin).2015-2016

-IEFC, Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia, Fashion Photography(Barcelona).2017

-EFC, Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia, Production  Photography (Barcelona).2017

Other studies

- Universidad  De Los  Andes. Degree in Law. (Bogota).

- C E S A  Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración. Specialization in corporate finance. (Bogota).

- Berkeley University of California Blockchain Fundamentals, Blockchain Technology

Degree Blockchain and Crypto analyst

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